Maintaining your Pure Pro Airbrush Stylus!

How to clean your Pure Pro airbrush Stylus

  • Unscrew the tail of the stylus
  • Unscrew the needle retaining the bolt
  • Very gently pull the needle until completely out of the stylus
  • Clean any buildup make up off of the needle with a damp towel
  • Use a cotton swab or a Disposable Mascara wand to clean the airbrush nozzle
  • Insert the needle back into the airbrush
  • Very gently press back the needle into the stylus
  • Return the needle retaining bolt and tighten, but not to hard
  • Return the tail by screwing back onto airbrush
  • Place about 5-8 drops of water into airbrush
  • Turn on the compressor and back bubble by covering nozzle with your finger and
  • pull back on the button.
  • Spray out all water onto a paper towel.
Tip: For a deep cleaning soak the stylus in hot water and add a bit of rubbing
alcohol for 30 minutes. This will help to loose any make up excess.

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